


Various public city transport maps from Arad. Click here to return to the main page.

Map descriptions are provided in Romanian only.

Current map

Operator: CTP (Compania de Transport Public) Arad
Schita a traseelor din Arad cu numele tuturor statiilor; tramvaiele sunt trecute cu rosu, autobuzele urbane cu albastru iar microbuzele in verde. Sunt listate si atat traseele tramvaielor cat si cele ale autobuzelor.
Author: CTP Arad.
Original location:
Date when added in the site: 24 Mar 2010
arad-mar10.jpg (Imagine JPEG, 1521x998 pixels, 288 kB)
Other copies at smaller resolution: arad-mar10-a.jpg (Imagine JPEG, 1024x672 pixels, 129 kB); arad-mar10-b.jpg (Imagine JPEG, 1280x840 pixels, 191 kB)

Previous map

Operator: CTP (Compania de Transport Public) Arad
Varianta anterioara, dinainte de aparitia liniilor de microbuze. Traseele tramvaielor au listate si distanta in kilometri.
Author: CTP Arad.
Date when added in the site: 20 Feb 2008
arad.gif (Imagine GIF, 1122x794 pixels, 91 kB)
Other copies at smaller resolution: arad2.gif (Imagine GIF, 1024x725 pixels, 107 kB)